Regardless, the return of the beloved Budokai Tenkaichi series is worth celebrating. It is unknown whether the original developer, Spike (now Spike Chunsoft), will return. So far, we know very little about what’s on the way beyond the involvement of Bandai Namco, Toei Animation, Bird Studio, and Shueisha – the companies currently helming the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise. Despite this, the enduring popularity of the Dragon Ball series has seemingly led to a major revival.
Read: Bandai Namco reports 55% rise in game sales, despite economic downturnīudokai Tenkaichi 3 was released a whopping 16 years ago, and the last franchise entry – Tenkaichi Tag Team – launched in 2010, for PlayStation Portable. Many assumed that the popular 2D Dragon Ball FighterZ had surpassed the 3D-oriented fighting games, and that Bandai Namco had long moved on. Notably, the Budokai Tenkaichi series has laid dormant for more than a decade. Frameborder='0' allow='accelerometer autoplay clipboard-write encrypted-media gyroscope picture-in-picture web-share' allowfullscreen>